Friday, June 8, 2012

A human chain in support of the girls for "Shafiq" Mustafa Mahmoud Square

Gathered dozens of pro-girls team, Ahmed Shafik candidate for the presidency, which locked in the run-off with Dr. Mohamed Morsy Muslim Brotherhood candidate, organized human chains on both sides of the road Mustafa Mahmoud Square, and raised a large number of propaganda posters for the team Shafiq.

On the other hand, the paste some of them many of the posters at passing cars in the street.

Revolutionary movements removes editing platform .. And announcing the end of millionth

Incumbents have started on the platform, "rebels without a current" existing in the field of liberalization on the one hand, Talaat Harb Street entrance to the removal of the end of the platform a declaration of them insist on isolating Magdy Rady Shafiq.

The platform has been removed by the revolutionary forces had been present before the editing complex.

And regulates the number of demonstrators, including young people roaming the Ultras marches throughout Tahrir Square, chanting slogans against the military rule.

Decline in U.S. oil contracts in NYMEX closing

Prices of futures contracts for crude oil the U.S. at close on Friday, for the second consecutive day, under pressure from concerns because of the trouble bank in Spain and the worsening economic problems in Europe, and reverse the hopes in the stimulus package new cash from the Federal Reserve in the United States.

And dropped the price of U.S. light crude oil for July delivery $ 0.72, or 0.85 percent to 84.10 dollars a barrel at the settlement in the New York Mercantile Exchange closed.

In conclusion, U.S. crude for the nearest maturity traded during the week, up 87 cents or 1.05 percent, to cut wave falling over five consecutive weeks.

Europe shares rally go as long as 4 days

European stock prices fell today, Friday, to cut off a rally that lasted four days as investors were disappointed expectations shattered after a new U.S. stimulus plan and prepared for a possible wave of weak economic data in China over the weekend.

Hot stocks and basic resources of three percent to lead the decline in stocks after disappointing regular Chairman Ben Bernanke Federal Reserve (Fed) in the hopes of investors stimulus cash.

By the end dealing in European stock markets index fell 0.2 percent to pan 982.30 points after gains in the previous session, supported by cutting interest rates in China.

In European markets, France's CAC index fell 0.6 percent, Germany's DAX 0.2 percent.

Death of a student drowned in Ain Sukhna

Received a student was killed by drowning in one of the tourist villages in Suez, where This is the first case this summer season, where the body was transferred to the morgue Suez year and delivered to their relatives.

Received pilot Hani sun Police Department Chief of Detectives Ataka notification from the point of arrival of the Suez General Hospital "Afaf. M" Student 18-year resident in the village of Beni Suef governorate auspicious after the sinking was killed for not finely honed swimming in one of the tourist villages in Ain Sokhna.

Turning and inspection shows that the student was with her ​​family in the framework of day trips organized by the youth centers to maintain to visit the shores of the Red Sea and the Ain Sukhna, where they were killed by drowning after requesting descent to the sea for its own lack of mastery of swimming.

By signing the medical examination the girl showed it to the health inspector was hit Basvksya drowning after her lungs filled with water, and stressed there is no suspicion of criminal death, and ordered to hand over the corpse of her parents, was the liberation of the minutes of the incident and notified the prosecutor, which took over the investigation.

Chairman of the African Union demanding a seat to the continent in the Security Council

The president of Benin President Thomas Boni Yayi league of the African Union once again Friday to give the seat to Africa in the Security Council, during the opening of a forum on development in Libreville.

The President of Benin through this forum, which is going on in the capital of Gabon until the tenth of June to occupy the country which receives the rotating presidency of the African seats in the Security Council, "pending a final solution."

He said through this forum, which was attended by about a thousand people from around fifty countries to discuss development in the continent "that the agenda of the Security Council members is composed by 90% of the points in Africa, while Africa is not involved in the discussions. Must end this." .

Silent pause editorial condemnation of sexual harassment

A number of demonstrators and a silent protest in Tahrir Square near the American University, to condemn sexual harassment, carrying banners that read "Girls of Egypt is a red line, girl stump in the field and the harasser is a cowardly man, cut off your hand before the harassment."

For his part, said Ramy Essam artist of the revolution and solidarity with them in the Agafthm: "the young man who is harassing a girl out for her is indecent and immoral, saying that there are some girls exposing themselves to risk in order to claim to live in freedom and social justice, and some young people sitting in their homes" .

Transport Minister discusses plan to facilitate the movement of voters to cast their votes in the run-off

Held by Dr. Galal Mostafa Said, Minister of Transport, on Saturday, a meeting of leaders of rail and bus companies of the Holding Company for Land Transport, to discuss the implementation of the directives of Dr. Kamal Ganzoury, President of the Council of Ministers on easier for voters to cast their votes in the run-off presidential election.

Deals with the meeting to make arrangements for the implementation of these directives and to facilitate the movement of citizens to vote in presidential elections on 16 and June 17 next addition to reducing the ticket prices as announced by the Prime Minister.

Worker killed at the hands of Mahalla al-driver because of financial disputes between them

At worker died of his wounds after being the oldest driver to stab a knife, because of the differences between them have evolved out of a fight on their impact accused of knife between the folds of his clothes and stabbed the worker force abdominal wound and was pronounced dead upon arrival of General Hospital Mahalla.
Major General Mustafa Baz, Director of Security Bank, has received notification from Colonel Tareq al-Baz, Sheriff second camp the death of Mr. Hassan Sadek "40 years" worker residing area of ​​the Republic of his wounds after being admitted to the hospital, immediately formed a research team to uncover the causes of the incident commanders Brig. Dr. Ashraf Abdel-Qader, Director of Criminal Investigation, which included Brigadier General Khaled Aernosy, head of the Investigation Directorate and Colonel Haitham Atta, Chief of the Criminal Investigation Mahalla and Samanoud and Lt. Col. Hussein Ghoneim, Deputy Branch Search, According to investigations, that behind the incident Safwat Abdel Kawi Abdel-Halim, "32 years" driver took place between him and the victim differences in three days, and while watching him coming in front of him to bring the knife from the folds of his clothes and stab stab window abdominal and death.
Is set to the accused and confronted inquiries admitted to committing the incident and guided the place of the tool used in the murder and Public Prosecutor decided to imprison the accused 4 days pending investigations and the speed of FBI inquiries into the incident, and the assignment of Forensic Medicine for autopsy to indicate the cause of death and authorize burial and set the security services in the region for fear of any clashes between the parties and the Emancipation of the record cover of 12,851 second place.

Security preferably sit a number of citizens before the police station, "Abu Sawyer"

Police persuaded the leaders of Abu Sawyer a number from the people protested on Thursday evening, Friday, in front of the police department because of security chases a fugitive broke up their sit-in, because it disrupts the process of legal proceedings and prevent the police from carrying out the law against a criminal fugitive from justice.

A number of people's may sit this evening in front of police station Abu Sawyer because of prosecutions security for a fugitive named Reda Mohamed (50 years) is required in 52 sentenced a criminal previously accused in 6 cases of robbery and armed robbery and beating, and the security forces to negotiate with residents and explain the situation to demonstrate the fact fugitive, so he left in front of the people's department and detectives continue their investigations to arrest the fugitive.

Toxicity Khashab resume "legacy of the Wind" tomorrow after a week

Said producer Mohamed Fawzy's "seventh day" that the artist toxicity Khashab will resume filming her scenes in the series "The legacy of the Wind", on Saturday, after the cessation of the work-family for imaging a week, with a studio in the Moroccan decor main, explaining that the family of the series finished filming 10 hours of the events of the series, referring to the director Youssef Sharaf al-Din working hours intensifies imaging in order to catch up with the offer in Ramadan.

And reflect the toxicity in the events of this work the role of the girl's popularity poor recognize the businessman who in turn star Mahmoud Hamida Faihbha and decides to marry her, despite differences of class and social big between them, which is signed by both at a number of problems, where the persecuted people of this man's wife of their father because of their rejection of this marriage.

"Legacy of the Wind" starring Mahmoud Hamida and toxicity Khashab, Afaf Shoaib and Salah Rashwan and Bassam Rajab, Tariq and Mr Sadiq ratchet and Ismail Mahmoud Maghrabi and clarity, written by Mustafa Moharam, and directed by Yousif Sharaf al-Din.

Demonstration in solidarity with the rebel Eastern Magdy Rady Liberation

The city of Zagazig evening demonstrations in which dozens of young revolutionaries in Sharkia governorate, and began a march from the front of the Cabinet of the province and many walked around the city streets in solidarity with Dr. Magdy Rady insist editing.

The protesters carried flags judgment condemning the innocent sons, "Mubarak" and the aide, "Adli," chanted the rebels, "or martyr listener .. u call right and Finn Valley" and "internal killed and led" and other slogans and logos.

It should be noted that the eastern rebels who had gone to the field to participate in the "Magdy Rady insist" on foot, which started from the field in the lock Belbeis yesterday in five in the afternoon and on to the crossing and then Valabasih Liberation of Salah Salem.

A meeting Iran and the IAEA had not yield anything new

Said chief UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Iran that the agency has not realized any progress in talks aimed at reaching an agreement to resolve outstanding issues about Iran's nuclear program.

Nakaertz Herman said in a brief statement made ​​by the end of the meeting "did not get any progress," adding that the outcome of the meeting was disappointing.

17 family of the martyrs of the revolution are leaving Cairo to Tehran

I left Cairo airport this evening, 17 of the families of the martyrs of the revolution on January 25, heading to Iran by the invitation made by the Iranian Embassy to visit Tehran for a week due to President Ahmadinejad and the Iranian government Petkremm.
People of the martyrs of the revolution, confirmed that they accepted the invitation to visit Iran as a Muslim country and know the right and the value of the martyr, and that their children have sacrificed their lives for the freedom of Egypt and liberated from the rule of ousted Mubarak and his gang, and that no justification for refusing the invitation of Iran, as the relations between Egypt and Iran should be deepened in favor of the two countries.
For his part, said Iran's ambassador in Cairo Mojtaba in a press statement, said that 30 years after the interruption of Egyptian-Iranian relations had to be open room for the resumption of relations between the two countries, started since the revolution of January 25 a number of delegations, economic, political and technical, which reached to 14 visit to the delegations of Egypt Tehran .
He pointed out that the invitation had been extended to the families of the martyrs in general did not go to each family separately, and that he did not reject any of the families of martyrs call also promoted some of the media.
He said Mjpty, initiatives Iran would not end until unite the bilateral relations between the two countries, and that once the stability of Egypt and the completion of the presidential election will be back relations between the two countries to fully and effectively, and that this visit will contribute to improving relations between the two countries, emphasizing the importance of the unity of the Islamic world in the face of Western and Zionist schemes.
Iran has been following the January Uprising has changed the name of the street Islamboly murderer of the late President Anwar Sadat to the Egyptian Revolution Martyrs Street in downtown Tehran in a clear reference to Iran's solidarity with the Egyptian people and the great revolution.
For its part, the Department of Insurance at Cairo airport headed by Major General Alaa Saad, and Lt. Col. Khalid Jabr it easier to travel the Egyptian delegation and provide all facilities to him, especially as it includes nearly 35 members of the families of martyrs, most of them women.

"Health": 8 injury toll Magdy Rady insist editing

The Ministry of Health, that the total cases that have been injured today in Tahrir Square 8 cases so far, of whom 5 cases were transferred to hospitals in Kasr El Aini status of suspected fracture in the left leg, and 4 cases of hospital enlightening year between bruised forearm and right high blood pressure drop, In addition to the number of 3 cases were Asaaffha sites of events.

Wael Ghoneim: Agreement of the parties to form a "constituent Constitution" sign directly

Emphasized the political activist Wael Ghoneim agreement that the political parties to form a Constituent Assembly to write the Constitution, is a promising sign on the right track to building modern Egypt.

Ghoneim said on his personal social networking site Facebook: The Constitution is the most important and most vital files in the revolution, and compatibility between various political forces to form pleases everyone is positive.

The Ghoneim thanks "both worked hard for several weeks to draft the agreement and access to it at the time of the country really in need go through the crisis Elly is where," calling on God to help all who will be on them this heavy burden and historical responsibility to write the Constitution of Egypt after the revolution.

Dozens flock to the Palace Square and queens of the post on Fri insist

Dozens of young people flocked to the April 6 Movement and 25 January and the Democratic Party of Egypt, Palace Square, the center of the city of Minya after the Maghrib prayer, and after the low temperature of the post on Fri determination and solidarity with the Tahrir Square.

The protesters that the demonstration will continue in the field in solidarity with the demands of editing, as the number of young people distributing leaflets about the views of scientists at the candidates for the presidency.

The 25 youth paste the leaflets on the walls of the walls and light poles bearing the logo of the Secretariat of Egypt .. The remnants of the .. Demonstrators queens insist on application of the law of isolation and purification of the judiciary.

China's ambassador in Cairo: I trust in Egypt's ability to cope with the challenges of the current

Ambassador of China in Cairo Song Aicoh expressed confidence in the ability of Egypt and the Arab countries to benefit from the winds of change are Arab, and address the current challenges, and achieve national development and national in the new phase, because of Arab nationalism is characterized by a long history and civilization bright and traditions of peace-loving.
This came on Friday, during the opening of Dialogue Forum on China, Egypt and the Arab world and the current variables, and the Chinese Cultural Center, was held under the auspices of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China and the international organization of writers and journalists.
The Chinese ambassador to the situation in the Middle East has seen profound changes and unprecedented since last year, and swept the waves of change, Egypt and the other in some Arab countries, stressing his country's respect for the aspirations and demands of the Arab countries and their people for change, and support the selection of the Arab countries to development paths in line with national conditions and willingly Independent, recalling that China will continue to firmly support the just Arab issues and the establishment of an independent Palestine state with full sovereignty and its capital in East Jerusalem, and Palestine to join the United Nations.
He Aigoh that "since last year is there is a tendency on both sides of China and Egypt to achieve stronger cooperation .. where the two sides in political terms to deepen mutual trust and raise the level of strategic cooperation," noting that his country with Egypt and the Arab states relations long, which is the product of the efforts of generations Full of those peoples

Activists call for boycott Alkavihat and restaurants, which put a picture Shafiq

Launched a number of activists on social networking sites Facebook and Twitter, the initiative is the strangest thing of its kind, which called for a boycott of any Cafes or restaurants or stores put pictures propaganda and support for the presidential candidate, Shafik, two references that the call to that of the support Shafiq does not deserve to achieve financial profits from the pockets of the people of Egypt the Great, who went to Mubarak and his gang, The spirits and the blood of Zakia of Egypt's youth, while tried Shafiq deal through his cabinet during his presidency of the ministry of that great revolution, and now trying to clone the Mubarak regime again.

The influx of dozens of editing .. And a single platform in preparation for Dr. Magdy Rady, "insist"

See Tahrir Square a state of calm, Friday morning, with the start of the influx of dozens of protesters to participate in Dr. Magdy Rady, "insisting" to demand the application of the law of segregation, Shafik to be excluded from the elections, and to press for re-trial of the ousted president, Hosni Mubarak, and the symbols of his regime before the revolutionary court.
And calls for participants in Dr. Magdy Rady day re-trial of former President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak, now trapped Hospital, Tura prison after being convicted in the murder of protesters, which he was sentenced to life imprisonment, and the symbols of his regime before a revolutionary court to be formed from the spent stream of Independence.
As demanded by the participants in the application of the law of the millions of political insulation on each of the spoil of political, social and economic symbols of the previous regime, led by Ahmed Shafik and prevent it from running in the run-off presidential election against Dr. Mohamed Morsy Party candidate freedom and justice.
Is scheduled to witness the events Magdy Rady many of today's marches, which launched from mosques opening Ramesses and Ms. Zainab Mustafa Mahmoud engineers, and integrity

Hamzawy: Distribution of "constituent" in this way I hope to accomplish complete

Hamzawy: Distribution of "constituent" in this way I hope to accomplish complete

Praised Dr. Amr Hamzawy, deputy parliamentary form a Constituent Assembly to draw up a constitution equally between Islamic groups and civil rights, describing the composition of real accomplishment.

He said Hamzawy in its note to him at his own expense profile of the social networking site "Twitter", on Friday morning, "" equality between Islamism and civil in the formation of the Constituent real accomplishment I hope to be completed by nominated members of the combine knowledge, competence and experience".

Israeli Attorney General Ben-Eliezer absolve from the charge of his work as an adviser to Mubarak

Israeli Attorney General Ben-Eliezer absolve from the charge of his work as an adviser to Mubarak
 Is Israeli Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein not to open a criminal investigation against the former defense minister, deputy Knesset now Benjamin Yen-Eliezer, the charges against him on suspicion occupy the post of political advisor to the affairs of the Israeli to Egyptian President deposed Hosni Mubarak, and the payment of tens of thousands of dollars monthly.
The site said "Ken Naaam" Israeli news that the Israeli Attorney General refused to indict Ben-Eliezer by Deputy Knesset Geffen Tea of ​​the "Israel is our land", arguing that the allegations against MK Ben-Eliezer rely on press reports, and that there is no material evidence on his involvement in political work as an adviser to Mubarak, and therefore there is no sufficient legal basis to commence an investigation or take other action against him.
The site Israeli specialist in the affairs of religious Judaism, spokesman for the movement, that the tea Slide the lawsuit three months ago calling for the Attorney General to open an investigation with Ben Eliezer, in the light of what was published in a number of newspapers of Egypt and Israel, that Mubarak was paid a monthly salary of 25 thousand dollars out of pocket to a member of the Knesset, Benjamin Ben-Eliezer to him as a consultant in Israeli affairs.
He pointed out that the site Israel Ben Eliezer was of the closest friends of the deposed president Mubarak, the next President of the Presidential Cabinet Zakaria Azmi.