Friday, June 8, 2012

Israeli Attorney General Ben-Eliezer absolve from the charge of his work as an adviser to Mubarak

Israeli Attorney General Ben-Eliezer absolve from the charge of his work as an adviser to Mubarak
 Is Israeli Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein not to open a criminal investigation against the former defense minister, deputy Knesset now Benjamin Yen-Eliezer, the charges against him on suspicion occupy the post of political advisor to the affairs of the Israeli to Egyptian President deposed Hosni Mubarak, and the payment of tens of thousands of dollars monthly.
The site said "Ken Naaam" Israeli news that the Israeli Attorney General refused to indict Ben-Eliezer by Deputy Knesset Geffen Tea of ​​the "Israel is our land", arguing that the allegations against MK Ben-Eliezer rely on press reports, and that there is no material evidence on his involvement in political work as an adviser to Mubarak, and therefore there is no sufficient legal basis to commence an investigation or take other action against him.
The site Israeli specialist in the affairs of religious Judaism, spokesman for the movement, that the tea Slide the lawsuit three months ago calling for the Attorney General to open an investigation with Ben Eliezer, in the light of what was published in a number of newspapers of Egypt and Israel, that Mubarak was paid a monthly salary of 25 thousand dollars out of pocket to a member of the Knesset, Benjamin Ben-Eliezer to him as a consultant in Israeli affairs.
He pointed out that the site Israel Ben Eliezer was of the closest friends of the deposed president Mubarak, the next President of the Presidential Cabinet Zakaria Azmi.

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