Friday, June 8, 2012

China's ambassador in Cairo: I trust in Egypt's ability to cope with the challenges of the current

Ambassador of China in Cairo Song Aicoh expressed confidence in the ability of Egypt and the Arab countries to benefit from the winds of change are Arab, and address the current challenges, and achieve national development and national in the new phase, because of Arab nationalism is characterized by a long history and civilization bright and traditions of peace-loving.
This came on Friday, during the opening of Dialogue Forum on China, Egypt and the Arab world and the current variables, and the Chinese Cultural Center, was held under the auspices of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China and the international organization of writers and journalists.
The Chinese ambassador to the situation in the Middle East has seen profound changes and unprecedented since last year, and swept the waves of change, Egypt and the other in some Arab countries, stressing his country's respect for the aspirations and demands of the Arab countries and their people for change, and support the selection of the Arab countries to development paths in line with national conditions and willingly Independent, recalling that China will continue to firmly support the just Arab issues and the establishment of an independent Palestine state with full sovereignty and its capital in East Jerusalem, and Palestine to join the United Nations.
He Aigoh that "since last year is there is a tendency on both sides of China and Egypt to achieve stronger cooperation .. where the two sides in political terms to deepen mutual trust and raise the level of strategic cooperation," noting that his country with Egypt and the Arab states relations long, which is the product of the efforts of generations Full of those peoples

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